Mike Fay Appears On Talking Golf With Virgil Herring

Here’s a link to Mike’s appearance on Talking Golf with Virgil Herring on 104.5 The Zone in Nashville, TN.  They talk short game, winter training, and MFG University.

Talking Golf with Virgil Herring 

Online Private Golf Coaching Programs

How does an online private coaching program work? Mike shows that you can get better at playing golf while you are at home. All you need is Coach Now and Zoom, let the learning begin! Pleae leave your comments...

The Big Miss Review

Perspective can be a funny thing. Many times we as fans believe those in the media spotlight fit a specific mold. This can be movie stars, politicians, and athletes.  It's not until we get insight into their "world"...

Progressing Your Fitness Program

Progressing Your Fitness Program The topic of this blog post is progression of your fitness program. One of the most common things I experience with my clients is that they sign up for a fitness program, go through an...

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Golf Shots   How good does it feel to be in a great impact position?  I say it feels like hitting ice cream.  Soft but heavy, very sweet!  In this video Mike describes what it feels...

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game  The center of the pelvis plays a big role in your short game shots.  In this video, Mike shows how the pelvis and ball position interact with each other.With over 25 years...

Mental Toughness

It goes without saying you need to be mentally tough to compete and possibly even win the United States Open.  There is, obviously, a long list of players who have won the tournament, however, the list is quite short...

A Better Address Equals A Better Takeaway

A Better Address Equals A Better TakeawayThe address position is very important!  In this video Mike shows how address effects the takeaway and the overall swing.  Please leave your comments below! With over 25 years...

Energy On The Course

Energy On The Course In my last post I spoke about the often overlooked part of a golf training program, recovery. Four areas were mentioned in the post and I promised that I would give you some strategies that you...

The History Of The Golf Tee

The History Of The Golf Tee The history of the golf tee dates back to the 1500's.  The practice of getting sand wet with a towel and mounding up earth to get the ball off the ground a little went on for some 300...

Should I Chip or Pitch?

Should I Chip Or Pitch?   One question that I am often asked is:  what club should I use around the green for a particular shot.  Which is usually followed by me asking them this:  Do you think you should chip...

Golf Fitness, Is It For You?

Golf Fitness, Is It For You? There has been a lot of coverage lately in the media and on social media about golf fitness and the training that certain tour players complete. Some of the comments made have been negative...

Just Push, Don’t Slide

Just Push, Don't Slide Getting foot pressure to the lead side is so important. Lead side foot pressure starts with a push and not a slide. Please leave your comments below.With over 30 years of teaching experience,...

Improve Your Swing With Better Posture

Improve Your Swing With Better Posture In my last blog post I spoke about how you could test yourself to determine the areas of your golf fitness that needed to be improved. In this blog I am going to talk about the...

Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards

Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards   Are you the person that has the "special" ball that you put into play when you are faced with an approach shot over a hazard like water?  Well, say goodbye to those old balls...

Hit More Fairways

Hit More Fairways   One thing that you may have never thought about when you set up to the tee....Where do I place my ball?  I know, most of you know that it goes between the markers and you have a couple of club...

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