

Choosing A Golf Specific Trainer

Choosing A Golf Specific Trainer You have seen a lot of posts from me on this website talking about the benefits of physical training for golf. I have described the benefits of golf specific training, given you some simple advice and encouraged you to get involved in...

Fun In Fitness Training

Fun In Your Fitness Training If you have been following my blog posts on this website, you are probably getting the message that fitness training for golf is important. Well, I will emphasise here again that it is very important, both to your golf and your general...

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training To improve in anything that you attempt, whether that be sport, music, fitness or any other activity you are undertaking, you need to be consistent in your effort over a period of time to achieve your goals. You need to...

Golf Fitness, Is It For You?

Golf Fitness, Is It For You? There has been a lot of coverage lately in the media and on social media about golf fitness and the training that certain tour players complete. Some of the comments made have been negative towards fitness training for golfers and I...


Build A Better Golf Set Up With HackMotion

Build A Better Set Up With HackMotion  In this video for HackMotion, Mike shows you how HackMotion can help your golf set up.  Specifically, your arm structure and wrist angles.  Wrist angles at set up and at...


The Transitions Championship has just concluded with Luke Donald sinking a 6 foot putt for the playoff win and world number one ranking (again). In the playoff were three other players, one with an impressive pedigree...

Play Faster Golf

Play Faster Golf   A movement across America in the last several years has been finding ways to play faster golf.  One of the main reasons why golf has been on the decline lately is because people don't feel they...

Learn the “Pinkie Curl” Pitch Golf Shot

Learn the "Pinkie Curl" Pitch Golf ShotIn this video Mike teaches you the Pinkie Curl shot. A pitch golf shot used when you have to hit a soft landing shot around the green.With over 25 years of teaching experience,...

Progressing Your Fitness Program

Progressing Your Fitness Program The topic of this blog post is progression of your fitness program. One of the most common things I experience with my clients is that they sign up for a fitness program, go through an...


What makes the tour pro’s great? Anyone... Anyone... I’m sure if you tried to answer and someone was nearby to actually hear you, you’d answer with a list of attributes. The one attribute that I am interested in is...

Should I Chip or Pitch?

Should I Chip Or Pitch?   One question that I am often asked is:  what club should I use around the green for a particular shot.  Which is usually followed by me asking them this:  Do you think you should chip...

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game  The center of the pelvis plays a big role in your short game shots.  In this video, Mike shows how the pelvis and ball position interact with each other.With over 25 years...

How Your Sand Wedge Works

How Your Sand Wedge Works   Let's start with a little history.... The first golf wedge to be played was the pitching wedge, also known as a jigger. This was the best option golfers had for difficult shots until...

Aim Small Miss Small

Pre shot routines are so important.  In this video Mike discusses how a limited focus and picking a smaller target to hit a larger one can help you hit the golf ball straighter.  Pleae leave your comments below. With...

Playing Better Golf In The Wind

Playing Better Golf In The Wind   One question that some of my players ask me is….How can I score better playing golf in the wind? Playing golf on windy days can be challenging, but with these few tips, maybe you...

Golf Fitness, Is It For You?

Golf Fitness, Is It For You? There has been a lot of coverage lately in the media and on social media about golf fitness and the training that certain tour players complete. Some of the comments made have been negative...

Wedge Distance Control

Wedge Distance ControlOne of the things I am often asked is:  "How do I get better distance control on wedge shots?" At Boyne Mountain Resort we have installed Northern Michigan's first Wedge Range.  This area is...


Risk-Reward   Is the risk worth the reward?  When playing par 5's it's tough not to want to "go for it" every time.  You have a access what is really going on with the golf course. Course management alone can help...

Move The Handle On The Takeaway

Move The Handle On The Takeaway It's no good when the hands go out and the club goes in on the takeaway. Here we get the feeling of moving the handle without moving the club head so much. #golf #Detroit #golfswing...

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