Mental Game

Mental Game


First Tee Jitters

First Tee Jitters

First Tee JittersIn a resent poll taken on our Instagram account we learned that over 80 percent of you suffer from first tee jitters.  It is totally understandable for sure!  I have found that the best way to overcome this is to plan!  Create a mentally stable...

Golf Match Play-Think A Different Way

Golf Match Play-Think A Different Way   Playing match play golf has been around for centuries.  With a handicap system to equal the field, just about anyone can beat anyone on any given day. That's what makes it so much fun to play.  All inclusive. I have had a...


Okay, remember what I talked about: Coach Tiger 1. look at your grip 2. where are your feet? 3. where are your hands? 4. what’s your target? 5. what’s your head position? Now, swing... Golf is a tough game-mostly played between the ears. That being said, when we...

The Big Miss Review

Perspective can be a funny thing. Many times we as fans believe those in the media spotlight fit a specific mold. This can be movie stars, politicians, and athletes.  It's not until we get insight into their "world" when we are able to take a step back and assess who...


What makes the tour pro’s great? Anyone... Anyone... I’m sure if you tried to answer and someone was nearby to actually hear you, you’d answer with a list of attributes. The one attribute that I am interested in is preparedness. How to do you prepare to golf? We can...

The Long And Short Of It

Let me take you back to the The (British) Open.  Adam Scott, until the last three holes, was in complete command. Ernie Els was steady and sank a birdie putt on the 18th.  No big deal.  But, Scott did not drive the ball in the fairway on the 18th and subsequently made...

Mental Toughness

It goes without saying you need to be mentally tough to compete and possibly even win the United States Open.  There is, obviously, a long list of players who have won the tournament, however, the list is quite short of players who were lucky to win.  Most, if not all...

Soft Spot

Earlier this week, I asked Mike what he thought would be a good topic to write about when it comes to the mental side of the game.  He threw out the notion of #17 at Sawgrass which allows for insight into the mental anguish players may feel on the tee.  The island...


So, I’ve had some time for this to sink in and I still don’t understand it.  I’ve tried to see it from other perspectives but simply cannot.  Thinking he might be not aware of the situation isn’t going to work.  Thinking his caddy doesn’t understand the magnitude of...


The Transitions Championship has just concluded with Luke Donald sinking a 6 foot putt for the playoff win and world number one ranking (again). In the playoff were three other players, one with an impressive pedigree and the other two not so much. There was someone...


Goals. We all have them. Whether it be at work or play, we are inherently built for autonomy, mastery and learning.  I"m physically fit enough to strike a golf ball within reason.  But last summer and the summer before, that was not happening.  I continued to hit...


Fun In Fitness Training

Fun In Your Fitness Training If you have been following my blog posts on this website, you are probably getting the message that fitness training for golf is important. Well, I will emphasise here again that it is very...

Center of Your Pelvis & Short Game

The center of your pelvis plays a big role in how good your short game is.  In this video, Mike discusses how to get your pelvis in a better position to hit more solid golf shots around the green. Please leave your...

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game

The Center Of Your Pelvis And Short Game  The center of the pelvis plays a big role in your short game shots.  In this video, Mike shows how the pelvis and ball position interact with each other.With over 25 years...

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training To improve in anything that you attempt, whether that be sport, music, fitness or any other activity you are undertaking, you need to be consistent in your effort over a...

Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards

Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards   Are you the person that has the "special" ball that you put into play when you are faced with an approach shot over a hazard like water?  Well, say goodbye to those old balls...

How To Practice Aim When You Golf

Aiming is so elementary and part of a great pre-shot routine.  This is also something that people struggle with.  In this video, Mike shows how to aim properly and how to practice it.  Make aiming automatic, something...

Should I Chip or Pitch?

Should I Chip Or Pitch?   One question that I am often asked is:  what club should I use around the green for a particular shot.  Which is usually followed by me asking them this:  Do you think you should chip...

Hit More Fairways

Hit More Fairways   One thing that you may have never thought about when you set up to the tee....Where do I place my ball?  I know, most of you know that it goes between the markers and you have a couple of club...

Sand Green Golf

Sand Green GolfI grew up in regional Australia and I was visiting my home town over Christmas and I took a drive around all the golf courses I had played as a junior and amateur golfer around my home town. In Australia...

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On The Backswing

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On Your Backswing Staying centered in your backswing swing is important. Allowing your left shoulder to hit your chin helps you stay centered and to not sway your chest too much off the...

How To Regrip A Golf Club

How To Regrip A Golf Club   In this video, Mike spends some time with Steve Heuston owner of Precision Fit Golf teaching us the finer points of how to regrip a golf club. Most people do not really think too much...

Golf Match Play-Think A Different Way

Golf Match Play-Think A Different Way   Playing match play golf has been around for centuries.  With a handicap system to equal the field, just about anyone can beat anyone on any given day. That's what makes it...

Learn the “Pinkie Curl” Pitch Golf Shot

Learn the "Pinkie Curl" Pitch Golf ShotIn this video Mike teaches you the Pinkie Curl shot. A pitch golf shot used when you have to hit a soft landing shot around the green.With over 25 years of teaching experience,...

How To Aim A Golf Shot

How To Aim A Golf Shot   Golf is a side-on game. You stand to the side of the golf ball. In order to have a chance to hit the ball at your intended target, you have to be aiming relatively parallel to it. In the...

A Better Address Equals A Better Takeaway

A Better Address Equals A Better TakeawayThe address position is very important!  In this video Mike shows how address effects the takeaway and the overall swing.  Please leave your comments below! With over 25 years...


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