

Choosing A Golf Specific Trainer

Choosing A Golf Specific Trainer You have seen a lot of posts from me on this website talking about the benefits of physical training for golf. I have described the benefits of golf specific training, given you some simple advice and encouraged you to get involved in...

Fun In Fitness Training

Fun In Your Fitness Training If you have been following my blog posts on this website, you are probably getting the message that fitness training for golf is important. Well, I will emphasise here again that it is very important, both to your golf and your general...

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training

Consistency and Accountability in Your Training To improve in anything that you attempt, whether that be sport, music, fitness or any other activity you are undertaking, you need to be consistent in your effort over a period of time to achieve your goals. You need to...

Golf Fitness, Is It For You?

Golf Fitness, Is It For You? There has been a lot of coverage lately in the media and on social media about golf fitness and the training that certain tour players complete. Some of the comments made have been negative towards fitness training for golfers and I...


Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards

Hitting Approach Shots Over Hazards   Are you the person that has the "special" ball that you put into play when you are faced with an approach shot over a hazard like water?  Well, say goodbye to those old balls...

How To Move In The Golf Swing

How To Move In The Golf SwingMusic always gets people to move! In this video Mike shows how to move properly in the back swing. Left shoulder down, right hip back.

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Golf Shots   How good does it feel to be in a great impact position?  I say it feels like hitting ice cream.  Soft but heavy, very sweet!  In this video Mike describes what it feels...

Move The Handle On The Takeaway

Move The Handle On The Takeaway It's no good when the hands go out and the club goes in on the takeaway. Here we get the feeling of moving the handle without moving the club head so much. #golf #Detroit #golfswing...

Fun In Fitness Training

Fun In Your Fitness Training If you have been following my blog posts on this website, you are probably getting the message that fitness training for golf is important. Well, I will emphasise here again that it is very...

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On The Backswing

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On Your Backswing Staying centered in your backswing swing is important. Allowing your left shoulder to hit your chin helps you stay centered and to not sway your chest too much off the...

How To Stop The Flippers!

How To Stop The Flippers  One common problem I often see when I coach the short game is something I call the "flippers".  As I often say, Flipper lives at Sea World, not on the golf course.  The flippers is a...

Learn the “Pinkie Curl” Pitch Golf Shot

Learn the "Pinkie Curl" Pitch Golf ShotIn this video Mike teaches you the Pinkie Curl shot. A pitch golf shot used when you have to hit a soft landing shot around the green.With over 25 years of teaching experience,...


The Transitions Championship has just concluded with Luke Donald sinking a 6 foot putt for the playoff win and world number one ranking (again). In the playoff were three other players, one with an impressive pedigree...


Okay, remember what I talked about: Coach Tiger 1. look at your grip 2. where are your feet? 3. where are your hands? 4. what’s your target? 5. what’s your head position? Now, swing... Golf is a tough game-mostly...

The History Of The Golf Tee

The History Of The Golf Tee The history of the golf tee dates back to the 1500's.  The practice of getting sand wet with a towel and mounding up earth to get the ball off the ground a little went on for some 300...

The Origins of The Masters Theme Song

The Origins of the Masters Theme Song So where did the Masters theme song come from?  That iconic music you hear every year around Masters time.  So soothing and peaceful. Makes you think of azaleas, beautiful green...

Factors of Controlling Golf Ball Spin

Factors Of Controlling Golf Ball Spin   We all watch the pros on TV and think:  How did they get that golf ball to stop so fast?  How about back up? What makes that golf ball spin so much? Making the ball spin is...

Where Do You Start A Golf Fitness Program?

Where Do You Start A Golf Fitness Program? Mike Fay Golf welcomes Australian PGA Professional Brent Davis to the staff of talented writers.  Brent's knowledge of golf fitness and how it relates to the golf swing will...

How To Regrip A Golf Club

How To Regrip A Golf Club   In this video, Mike spends some time with Steve Heuston owner of Precision Fit Golf teaching us the finer points of how to regrip a golf club. Most people do not really think too much...

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