Coaches Corner Appearance By Mike Fay

Mike was a guest on the April 21, 2016 edition of Golf Talk Live- Coaches Corner with  Pete Buchanan hosted by Ted Odorico.  Pete Buchanan is the Founder, Director of Instruction, and owner of Plane Simple Golf, LLC which houses Plane Simple Golf Circuit and the Simple Swing Repeater Training Brace.  During this episode Pete, Mike and Ted discuss the factors to why the average golfer’s handicap has not seen a decrease for quite some time.  The panel also discuss the changes that they have implemented in their own coaching programs to combat this and how golf instruction is changing for the betterment of the game of golf.  Take a listen and enjoy!

For more of Mike’s interviews please click here. 


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Mental Game

Okay, remember what I talked about: Coach Tiger

1. look at your grip

2. where are your feet?

3. where are your hands?

4. what’s your target?

5. what’s your head position?

Now, swing…

Golf is a tough game-mostly played between the ears. That being said, when we execute a shot we (I mean us amateurs) have many thoughts going through our head. We try to remember what our coach had told us when we took the lesson seven days ago on the range using a seven iron.

When we don’t pull casino online canada off the shot they way we intended, who do we blame? Yes, I can hear you talk to yourself. You blame the coach.

“I did everything he/she told me to do.”

“Why is the ball not drawing?”

“I knew it didn’t feel right when I was practicing my new grip/stance.”

“Golf is all about feel, right?”

Many start the process of minimization at this point. Players tend to minimize the importance of practice and the direction the coach gave them at the time of their lesson. Instead of dedicating their practice routine to the swing keys the coach gave them, players may look for a new coach or dump the idea altogether.

Point being this-

Stay connected to your coach and see the process through. In reality, you were not good when you started. You’ll be worse without any direction or game plan. Stick with your coach and see the process through. This is much easier these days. Just check out the #askthepro on Twitter (Sunday nights, 9:00PM EST.)

We are about the quick fix. Golf is neither. The execution or all shots is a process. A process, once committed to habit through practice, that will pay off in results.

Scott Kapla, Mike Fay Golf
Staff Writer
To “follow” Scott on Twitter click here
To follow Scott”s Blog Ed Tech Minute click here

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