Mike was a guest on the April 21, 2016 edition of Golf Talk Live- Coaches Corner with  Pete Buchanan hosted by Ted Odorico.  Pete Buchanan is the Founder, Director of Instruction, and owner of Plane Simple Golf, LLC which houses Plane Simple Golf Circuit and the Simple Swing Repeater Training Brace.  During this episode Pete, Mike and Ted discuss the factors to why the average golfer’s handicap has not seen a decrease for quite some time.  The panel also discuss the changes that they have implemented in their own coaching programs to combat this and how golf instruction is changing for the betterment of the game of golf.  Take a listen and enjoy!

For more of Mike’s interviews please click here. 


Squaring The Club Face With HackMotion

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Winter Golf Tip: The 52 Degree Rule

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Don’t Tilt, TURN! | Virtual Coach

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Feel That Pressure On Your Thumb

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Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On The Backswing

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Wedge Distance Control

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The History Of The Golf Tee

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The Golf Grip And Closing The Club Face

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Recovery Strategies

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Dr. Joseph Parent-Zen Golf To Appear On #askthepro

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Backswing Pivot Drill

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The Origins of The Masters Theme Song

The Origins of the Masters Theme Song So where did the Masters theme song come from?  That iconic music you hear every year around Masters time.  So soothing and peaceful. Makes you think of azaleas, beautiful green...

Progressing Your Fitness Program

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