Factors of Controlling Golf Ball Spin

Factors of Controlling Golf Ball Spin

Factors Of Controlling Golf Ball Spin   We all watch the pros on TV and think:  How did they get that golf ball to stop so fast?  How about back up? What makes that golf ball spin so much? Making the ball spin is cool, but using the spin and knowing how to do it...

Chip The Ball Better

Chip The Ball Better

Chip The Ball Better   In this video from the Mike Fay Golf Channel, Mike explains what good players with excellent short games do when they chip the golf ball.  This is what a chip shot looks like and feels like.  We all want to chip the ball better right?  It...

Bad Takeaways Can Lead To Bad Golf Swings

Bad Takeaways Can Lead To Bad Golf Swings   Staying connected is a major source of power in the golf swing.  We usually see two different faults that can cause you problems with connection and they both are rooted in the takeaway.  Both can rob you from solid...



Risk-Reward   Is the risk worth the reward?  When playing par 5's it's tough not to want to "go for it" every time.  You have a access what is really going on with the golf course. Course management alone can help you save strokes.  Knowing your carry yardages...

How To Build A Wedge Range

How To Build A Wedge Range

How To Build A Wedge Range   Want to score better?  Of course you do!  The Wedge Range at Boyne Mountain Resort opened this past July to rave reviews!  A place to help you with your game from 100 yards and in! In this video, we discuss how we built the wedge...

How To Regrip A Golf Club

How To Regrip A Golf Club

How To Regrip A Golf Club   In this video, Mike spends some time with Steve Heuston owner of Precision Fit Golf teaching us the finer points of how to regrip a golf club. Most people do not really think too much about your golf grips.  Getting them re griped when...

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Golf Shots   How good does it feel to be in a great impact position?  I say it feels like hitting ice cream.  Soft but heavy, very sweet!  In this video Mike describes what it feels like to be in a great impact position.  He offers one...

Fairway Bunker Shots

Fairway Bunker Shots

Fairway Bunker Shots    In this video, Mike discusses the finer points of hitting fairway bunker shots. Mike's Rules For Hitting Fairway Bunker Shots  Use a club with enough loft to get the ball out of the bunker.  Make sure you get it out!  Take one extra golf...

How To Aim A Golf Shot

How To Aim A Golf Shot

How To Aim A Golf Shot   Golf is a side-on game. You stand to the side of the golf ball. In order to have a chance to hit the ball at your intended target, you have to be aiming relatively parallel to it. In the following video, Mike discusses how to improve your...


Aim Small Miss Small

Pre shot routines are so important.  In this video Mike discusses how a limited focus and picking a smaller target to hit a larger one can help you hit the golf ball straighter.  Pleae leave your comments below. With...


Okay, remember what I talked about: Coach Tiger 1. look at your grip 2. where are your feet? 3. where are your hands? 4. what’s your target? 5. what’s your head position? Now, swing... Golf is a tough game-mostly...

Golf Fitness, Is It For You?

Golf Fitness, Is It For You? There has been a lot of coverage lately in the media and on social media about golf fitness and the training that certain tour players complete. Some of the comments made have been negative...

Good Golf Posture Sets Up Everything

Good Golf Posture Sets Up EverythingYou can't do much if you don't have good posture when you are hitting a golf ball. In this video, Mike shows you some tips to get into an athletic stance and help you move better as...

How To Regrip A Golf Club

How To Regrip A Golf Club   In this video, Mike spends some time with Steve Heuston owner of Precision Fit Golf teaching us the finer points of how to regrip a golf club. Most people do not really think too much...

Play Faster Golf

Play Faster Golf   A movement across America in the last several years has been finding ways to play faster golf.  One of the main reasons why golf has been on the decline lately is because people don't feel they...

In The Moment

What’s it like to stay in the moment? Ask Kyle Stanley. As the Pebble Beach Pro-Am just wrapped up, I want to bring you back to the last two weeks of golf and what Kyle Stanley didn’t and did accomplish. In the...

Progressing Your Fitness Program

Progressing Your Fitness Program The topic of this blog post is progression of your fitness program. One of the most common things I experience with my clients is that they sign up for a fitness program, go through an...

How To Stop The Flippers!

How To Stop The Flippers  One common problem I often see when I coach the short game is something I call the "flippers".  As I often say, Flipper lives at Sea World, not on the golf course.  The flippers is a...

The Golf Grip And Closing The Club Face

The Golf Grip And Closing The Club FaceIn the following video Mike explains that holding this grip really strong in the trail hand aids in holding the club face too open.  Unfortunately this causes this player to aim...

Improve Your Contact Around The Green

Improve Your Contact Around The Green       One way to better your short game around the green is to hit the ball more solidly.  Once you learn to hit the ball solidly, then you will be able to develop a...

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On The Backswing

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On Your Backswing Staying centered in your backswing swing is important. Allowing your left shoulder to hit your chin helps you stay centered and to not sway your chest too much off the...

Just Push, Don’t Slide

Just Push, Don't Slide Getting foot pressure to the lead side is so important. Lead side foot pressure starts with a push and not a slide. Please leave your comments below.With over 30 years of teaching experience,...

Wedge Distance Control

Wedge Distance ControlOne of the things I am often asked is:  "How do I get better distance control on wedge shots?" At Boyne Mountain Resort we have installed Northern Michigan's first Wedge Range.  This area is...

Move The Handle On The Takeaway

Move The Handle On The Takeaway It's no good when the hands go out and the club goes in on the takeaway. Here we get the feeling of moving the handle without moving the club head so much. #golf #Detroit #golfswing...

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