The Search For Your Golf Ball Shortens | Rule 18-2

Mike Fay Named

GRAA TOP 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional

We are truly honored to announce that Mike Fay has been named  a Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional from the Golf Range Association of America and PGA Magazine.  This is the 4th time in Mike’s career receiving this national award.  We want to thank the GRAA and PGA Magazine for this honor which encompasses the work we do at the academy including all levels of play.  Thank you members of Walnut Creek Country Club for supporting such programs as the POD Program, FORE Ladies Only, various clinics, and taking advantage of private coaching programs.  Your support of social media to keep you engaged in the game as well.  Without your support, this would not be possible.  Thank you!


The Claret Jug

The Claret Jug The first British Open was contested in 1860 at Prestwick Golf Club and stayed there for some 11 years.  Originally the winner of the British Open received something called the “Challenge Belt.” The...

The Origins of The Masters Theme Song

The Origins of the Masters Theme Song So where did the Masters theme song come from?  That iconic music you hear every year around Masters time.  So soothing and peaceful. Makes you think of azaleas, beautiful green...

Don’t Tilt, TURN! | Virtual Coach

In this Virtual Coach session we work on not tilting so much in the downswing, transferring weight better, and being able to hit a fade better.  Please leave your comments below!With over 25 years of teaching...

Feel That Pressure On Your Thumb

Feel That Pressure On Your Thumb Keeping your hands together on the club is super important. If they seperate you lose control. Here we use trail hand thumb pressure to improve impact. Please leave your comments...

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Golf Shots   How good does it feel to be in a great impact position?  I say it feels like hitting ice cream.  Soft but heavy, very sweet!  In this video Mike describes what it feels...


What makes the tour pro’s great? Anyone... Anyone... I’m sure if you tried to answer and someone was nearby to actually hear you, you’d answer with a list of attributes. The one attribute that I am interested in is...

Should You Try To Keep Your Head Down?

Should You Try To Keep Your Head Down?   Walk up and down any driving range and you will at some point hear those famous words, "Keep Your Head Down".   Unfortunately, that advice has never worked. Golf could be...

How To Practice Aim When You Golf

Aiming is so elementary and part of a great pre-shot routine.  This is also something that people struggle with.  In this video, Mike shows how to aim properly and how to practice it.  Make aiming automatic, something...

Improve Your Contact Around The Green

Improve Your Contact Around The Green       One way to better your short game around the green is to hit the ball more solidly.  Once you learn to hit the ball solidly, then you will be able to develop a...

Energy On The Course

Energy On The Course In my last post I spoke about the often overlooked part of a golf training program, recovery. Four areas were mentioned in the post and I promised that I would give you some strategies that you...

Play Faster Golf

Play Faster Golf   A movement across America in the last several years has been finding ways to play faster golf.  One of the main reasons why golf has been on the decline lately is because people don't feel they...

Wedge Distance Control

Wedge Distance ControlOne of the things I am often asked is:  "How do I get better distance control on wedge shots?" At Boyne Mountain Resort we have installed Northern Michigan's first Wedge Range.  This area is...

Hit More Fairways

Hit More Fairways   One thing that you may have never thought about when you set up to the tee....Where do I place my ball?  I know, most of you know that it goes between the markers and you have a couple of club...

First Tee Jitters

First Tee JittersIn a resent poll taken on our Instagram account we learned that over 80 percent of you suffer from first tee jitters.  It is totally understandable for sure!  I have found that the best way to overcome...

How To Stop The Flippers!

How To Stop The Flippers  One common problem I often see when I coach the short game is something I call the "flippers".  As I often say, Flipper lives at Sea World, not on the golf course.  The flippers is a...


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