Aim Small Miss Small

Aim Small Miss Small

Pre shot routines are so important.  In this video Mike discusses how a limited focus and picking a smaller target to hit a larger one can help you hit the golf ball straighter.  Pleae leave your comments below. With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to...

Working On Your Golf Takeaway With A Pen | Virtual Coach

Working On Your Golf Takeaway With A Pen | Virtual Coach

In this Virtual Coach session Mike shows how using a pen can help you control an open club face. Please leave your comments below!With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to see why Mike has become a leader in the world of golf instruction. Everything from...

Don’t Tilt, TURN! |  Virtual Coach

Don’t Tilt, TURN! | Virtual Coach

In this Virtual Coach session we work on not tilting so much in the downswing, transferring weight better, and being able to hit a fade better.  Please leave your comments below!With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to see why Mike has become a leader...

Online Private Golf Coaching Programs

Online Private Golf Coaching Programs

How does an online private coaching program work? Mike shows that you can get better at playing golf while you are at home. All you need is Coach Now and Zoom, let the learning begin! Pleae leave your comments below.With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy...

Turn Left To Stop Hitting Your Golf Shots Left

Turn Left To Stop Hitting Your Golf Shots Left

Turn Left To Stop Hitting Your Golf Shots LeftIn this video Mike works with a player who slides and hits all his shots to the left. You have to turn more to the left when you are hitting it left.With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to see why Mike has...

Learn the “Pinkie Curl” Pitch Golf Shot

Learn the “Pinkie Curl” Pitch Golf Shot

Learn the "Pinkie Curl" Pitch Golf ShotIn this video Mike teaches you the Pinkie Curl shot. A pitch golf shot used when you have to hit a soft landing shot around the green.With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to see why Mike has become a leader in the...

Good Golf Posture Sets Up Everything

Good Golf Posture Sets Up Everything

Good Golf Posture Sets Up EverythingYou can't do much if you don't have good posture when you are hitting a golf ball. In this video, Mike shows you some tips to get into an athletic stance and help you move better as you hit a golf ball.With over 25 years of teaching...

The Head Controls The Spine In Golf

The Head Controls The Spine In Golf

The Head Controls The Spine In GolfThe head plays a big role in what the body does in the golf swing. Moving the head too much in the wrong direction can cause many problems. In this video, Mike works on limiting the head movement to help this players club face, club...

A Better Address Equals A Better Takeaway

A Better Address Equals A Better Takeaway

A Better Address Equals A Better TakeawayThe address position is very important!  In this video Mike shows how address effects the takeaway and the overall swing.  Please leave your comments below! With over 25 years of teaching experience, it's easy to see why Mike...


Fairway Bunker Shots

Fairway Bunker Shots    In this video, Mike discusses the finer points of hitting fairway bunker shots. Mike's Rules For Hitting Fairway Bunker Shots  Use a club with enough loft to get the ball out of the bunker....

Aim Small Miss Small

Pre shot routines are so important.  In this video Mike discusses how a limited focus and picking a smaller target to hit a larger one can help you hit the golf ball straighter.  Pleae leave your comments below. With...

Bad Takeaways Can Lead To Bad Golf Swings

Bad Takeaways Can Lead To Bad Golf Swings   Staying connected is a major source of power in the golf swing.  We usually see two different faults that can cause you problems with connection and they both are rooted...

How To Stop The Flippers!

How To Stop The Flippers  One common problem I often see when I coach the short game is something I call the "flippers".  As I often say, Flipper lives at Sea World, not on the golf course.  The flippers is a...


What makes the tour pro’s great? Anyone... Anyone... I’m sure if you tried to answer and someone was nearby to actually hear you, you’d answer with a list of attributes. The one attribute that I am interested in is...

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On The Backswing

Let Your Shoulder Hit Your Chin On Your Backswing Staying centered in your backswing swing is important. Allowing your left shoulder to hit your chin helps you stay centered and to not sway your chest too much off the...


Recovery  This post is on a golf fitness topic that is often overlooked by golfers as not being very important to playing better golf. Today I will be talking about recovery and how it relates specifically to golfers...

Online Private Golf Coaching Programs

How does an online private coaching program work? Mike shows that you can get better at playing golf while you are at home. All you need is Coach Now and Zoom, let the learning begin! Pleae leave your comments...

Move The Handle On The Takeaway

Move The Handle On The Takeaway It's no good when the hands go out and the club goes in on the takeaway. Here we get the feeling of moving the handle without moving the club head so much. #golf #Detroit #golfswing...

Soft Spot

Earlier this week, I asked Mike what he thought would be a good topic to write about when it comes to the mental side of the game.  He threw out the notion of #17 at Sawgrass which allows for insight into the mental...

Better Impact Equals Better Shots

Better Impact Equals Better Golf Shots   How good does it feel to be in a great impact position?  I say it feels like hitting ice cream.  Soft but heavy, very sweet!  In this video Mike describes what it feels...

Recovery Strategies

Recovery Strategies  In my last post I spoke about the often overlooked part of a golf training program, recovery. Four areas were mentioned in the post and I promised that I would give you some strategies that you...

The Head Controls The Spine In Golf

The Head Controls The Spine In GolfThe head plays a big role in what the body does in the golf swing. Moving the head too much in the wrong direction can cause many problems. In this video, Mike works on limiting the...

Where Do You Start A Golf Fitness Program?

Where Do You Start A Golf Fitness Program? Mike Fay Golf welcomes Australian PGA Professional Brent Davis to the staff of talented writers.  Brent's knowledge of golf fitness and how it relates to the golf swing will...

A Better Address Equals A Better Takeaway

A Better Address Equals A Better TakeawayThe address position is very important!  In this video Mike shows how address effects the takeaway and the overall swing.  Please leave your comments below! With over 25 years...

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